Sibling Gift Exchange

The year my older brother got married, we instated a sibling gift exchange between the seven siblings and (currently) two spouses. Most years, we write a poem to tell everyone who they are purchasing for (see 2020 poem below). A couple of the years, we made videos (these were my favorite years).

We’re all spread out in different cities. Most of us living lives very independent from one another. But every year around this time, we get to connect around the sibling gift exchange.

2020 Sibling Gift Exchange Poem

It’s the time of year again 

The sibling gift exchange is always a win 

Let’s celebrate each other for making it through 

🤑 is the minimum so go do what you do

Caleb’s got millions of irons in the fire

But going non stop is just how he is wired 

He works hard to grow his business plan

But still makes time to help his fellow man

Katherine’s been flexing her creative muscles 

This girl never ceases to hustle 

A job change, nonprofit, novel and podcast

She’s exhausted but she’s having a blast 

Lauren has had quite the year 

But she still manages to take on most things with cheer

A couple houses, a promotion, a pregnancy

What’s next? We’ll just have to see 

Sherry kicked basic training in the nuts

We knew all along that she had guts 

Don’t want to let this year pass w/o honoring Corona Lee

That puppy was loved and missed she will be 

Corrie got a house in her dream part of town 

*Gasp* she also got a cat who should be wearing a crown 

She’s still crushing the wedding planning scene 

Workaholism is definitely in all our genes

Nathan’s life plan changes every day 

But gosh he’s motivated even though he’s cray cray 

A mansion, a school bus, and now all the land

It’s fun watching the Spearing empire expand

Other nathan’s a gem and a solid foundation

Playing his part in the house acquisition

Adding a few more to what they already had

And let’s not forget, soon a small child will be calling him Dad


Jax is a hero I think you’ll agree

She redefines the meaning of busy bee

Homeschooling five kids and making headway on the cello 

God gave her to Nate and he’s a lucky fellow

Julie is also doing big things 

Our baby girl is spreading her wings 

Driving her new ride in ATL to her own place

And taking on her career with grace

Year - 2017 (I believe this was a the last time all the siblings were together in one place)

Year - 2017 (I believe this was a the last time all the siblings were together in one place)

Cover photo by Joshua Lam on Unsplash