How I Podcast

Below is my podcast process. I'm a believer in the art of podcasting, in that there are some techniques that are important, but the rest is nuanced and up to you! Before you start, write down what you like about your favorite podcasts, then add your own twist! Find a topic or a niche you're passionate about and can have fun with (I believe this is most important for sustainability). Then take a look at your schedule to determine how much time you have in order to determine how often you want to post. Monthly? Weekly? Bi-weekly (which can mean every other week or twice a week according to Google)? 

When I first started, it could take 8-12 hours to bring one episode from start to finish. I have gotten that time down to about 4-6 hours. I'm a solo team and do all my own editing. 

I use Descript and Garage Band for editing. Descript (monthly subscription) is for removing filler words and editing the interview portion. This software also makes it easy to copy and paste your transcript into the show notes. I do not do this at this time, but it's something I'm open to in the future.

Garage Band is for putting the episode together with the intro music, pre-recorded intro, interview, extro, and extro music. 

I will also use Audacity for interviews where the levels are off (such as one mic being louder than the other) removing annoying background noise, etc. 

I use Squarespace for hosting. It can be clunky to set up, but once it's set up, it's super easy to post a new episode or schedule multiple episodes at a time. 

I have used Fivver for designing my artwork and branding. Make sure the person you use understands how to size things for Apple podcasts, as they have strict requirements. 

I use this mic. After testing several, this was my favorite.

Below is my checklist for approaching the guest, scheduling, social media, etc. Hope it helps! 

Podcast checklist:
Before you record
• Decide what recording device you are going to use and where you are going to record. Mic, computer mic, headphones? Choose a quiet room. Pad the area with pillows or rugs or blankets to cut down on background noise and echoing.
• Test your recording platform. For example, if you’re using Zoom, ask a friend or family member to jump on a call with you so you can test that the recording works and test your own sound levels.
Scheduling interviews
• Make the invite personal. Open email with how you became interested in interviewing them. Did a friend recommend them? Have you been enjoying their content on Instagram? Did you read their book?
• Tell them why you want to interview them and what topic you would like to discuss. My rule is to do as much work on their behalf as possible. I never ask them “what do you want to talk about?” because it’s creating more work for them and it gives the impression that I haven’t really thought things through before I emailed them.
• A possible email template: [Personal greeting] [Why you want to interview them] [Give examples of other episodes that are similar to the one you want to record with them] [Close with invitation and a promise to follow up if you haven’t heard from them by such and such a time]
• Once they agree to the interview, I send them the Zoom invite with a request that they record in a quiet space with good internet connection (not everyone thinks of this before an interview!)
The Interview
• Preplan at least six open-ended questions (questions that don’t invite a yes or no response). I NEVER stick to all the questions, either because the person answers one question in response to another, or because I come up with others on the spot that end up working better.
• Keep intention in mind (who is your audience and what do you want them to hear?).
• Center the guest. Fill in conversation with your own comments (It is a conversation, after all!), but only to enhance what the guest is already saying or to provide clarity. The conversation is about the guest (or else you would not have invited them on the show!)
Episode Release
• Reach out to the guest a week before release to let them know the release date.
• Send guest possible social media promotion material to make it easy for them to promote on their own platform
• Send them the episode on release date. Following up with gratitude for their time (I also like to offer a small tidbit about what I liked about the episode, to end on a personal note.)

Check out my podcasts HERE.