Affection for a Beverage

The first time I had a White Russian I was having drinks with the only other woman I know who is unpartnered and the founder of a nonprofit. Oh, the sweet relief of a new beverage and a conversation with an old friend who understands the complexities of leading an organization without a partner to back you up. Not only are we single and leading organizations we founded, we’re pioneering care for an underserved population (mine: survivors of abuse in the church.)

Layer that with a background in cultures and communities that told us (implicitly and explicitly) that, as women, we weren’t supposed to lead. We weren’t allowed to lead. Unless we were leading children or other women, because this did not quite count as real leadership so there was no dishonor in putting us in charge.

Oh, the sweet relief of knowing someone understands the micro-oppression we experience for showing up as our full selves to work we are passionate about. A small weight of the burden is lifted when one other person can normalize your experience, can confirm the extra weights you carry and barriers you must hurtle are actually real, you aren’t just making it up in your head.

I have a new found affection for White Russians. I believe the beverage will always remind me of solidarity, of knowing someone out there in the world understands…

White Russian Recipe:

2 oz - Vodka

1 oz - Coffee Liquor

Splash of half & half

Pour over ice and stir