The Best of Mexico: No Fear

Meet Francisco. His story caught my attention when he shared how he met his wife by putting an advertisement in the newspaper. 12 women responded. He chose one and they've been together ever since. 

His fedora had the words "No Fear" in English stamped along the side. I told him it fitted him, as he seemed the fearless sort. 

Then he told his testimony. He was raised catholic and had never had direct contact with the Bible. Then one day, when he was 12, he was in a store and a leather bound book stood out to him. He bought the book and started reading it. His mother caught him, chastised him for reading the Bible--it was only for the priests to read--and took it away. 

But it was too late. His heart had been stirred too much. So at 12-years-old, he saved up his money and bought another one, this time keeping it securely hidden from his mother. 

50 years later, after his mother passed away, he found the original Bible. "I now have both Bibles!" he said with a grin. 

I laughed. His enthusiasm for the the Bible made you want to cheer and laugh at the same time. 

The story was the perfect catalyst for training 6 college freshmen girls how to share their testimonies. "Keep it personal," Pastor Esau instructed. If they shared their story, their enthusiasm would naturally shine through. It was the most powerful form of evangelism. 

During the week I spent in Durango with RUF from Winthrop, I saw fear turn to power and timidity turn to enthusiasm as these 18 and 19 year old girls shared their testimonies, over and over, through translators. A few of them were even interviewed on the radio. 

Friendships were formed between university students in Durango and university students from the United States. Even though language formed a barrier between the two nationalities, tears were still shed during the final goodbye. 

Even if language, nations, and priests seem to stand in the way, the Holy Spirit can, and will, continue to move. There is no wall too high or too thick to limit His reach.