Day 24 of 25 Days of Les Misérables: When Tomorrow Comes

 My roommate gave me the soundtrack for the Les Miz Feature film. It’s true. I’m totally stoked. 
            For at least an hour, I debated about whether or not I should listen to it. I felt like I was cheating on the film. Then I decided, what the hell, you think too much. Just listen to it, you idiot.
            I’ve just finished listening to Hugh Jackman sing “What Have I Done?” and I’m glowing. In the end, I think I’ll be glad I listened to it. It’s like getting a movie viewing twice. I’ll be ready for the review tomorrow. Tell, me does that make my opinion more or less trustworthy? I won’t be able to give a fresh, first-time, opinion, but I’ll also have a bit more time to think about it. (I function better with time to think).
            This post was going to be the post that tied this film into the Christmas season. But then, I realize the whole story is a Christmas tie-in. The story of redemption, second chances, good and evil, rescue, pain, victory, love and sacrifice. Isn’t that the Christmas story?
            This was also going to be my recap of all-the-things-I’ve-learned-from-the-past-25-days post. Maybe that will come later. Right now, I have a quiche in the oven and I’m waiting for some out of town friends to come over and eat Christmas Eve brunch with me (I don’t know if I’m looking forward more to the mimosas or the hash browns).
            I’ve enjoyed the past 24 days. I somehow found the energy to get up early or stay up late to write the blog posts. Each day, I couldn’t wait for tomorrow’s post. I put myself on probation from checking Google analytics, even though the stats helped give me energy. It was so fun to know that others were enjoying the journey with me!
            So, when tomorrow comes, I’ll write the final Les Misérables post. The journey will end, but only until it begins again. That’s the beauty of DVDs and Soundtracks. We can enjoy it over and over. The end of my epic journey will be the 50th Anniversary Concert. I’m hoping they have one. I’m the same age as Les Misérables and want my 50th birthday to be spent in London, watching the performance again.
            Who knows, maybe it’s possible.
            For now, it’s time to enjoy Christmas. It’s time to enjoy the creator of all things beautiful and creative. It’s time to enjoy the God who saves and the God who loves.

For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.
2 Corinthians 5:14-15